"Messieurs, c'est les microbes qui auront le dernier mot." (Gentlemen, it is the microbes who will have the last word.)
—Louis Pasteur
Featured Events
News Spotlights
Competition was organized by Dr. Liisa Veerus with the support of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). Dr. Veerus is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory...
Dr. Liisa Veerus—a Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Martin J. Blaser at CABM -- has been selected as the U.S. Young Ambassador...
The Rutgers Center for Advanced Biotechnology & Medicine as well as the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute at Rutgers University recently hosted 26 students...
Featured Publications
Faculty Spotlight

Jason H. Yang, PhD
Center for Emerging Pathogens
Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Genetics
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Research Focus
Systems biology of chronic and infectious diseases. Projects in the lab integrate experimental, computational and machine learning activities. Active projects are currently focused on antibiotics, innate immunity, tuberculosis, COVID-19, and heart failure
RUMP Featured Services
Managed by Animal Care, the gnotobiotic core at Rutgers University provides investigators with the ability to work with germ-free and SPF mice. Currently the core...
RUMP Featured Projects
Dietary fiber is an important carbon source for some of the most abundant species of the gut microbiota. In Bacteroidetes, gene clusters encoding protein...