RUMP Work in Progress

RUMP Work in Progress Presents:

Timothy Stephens

Post-doctoral Researcher

Bhattacharya Lab

Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology

School of Environmental & Biological Sciences


"Community-wide interactions sustain life in geothermal spring habitats

Microbes often live in habitats that have extremes of pH, temperature, solar radiation, salt concentrations, and atmospheric pressure. Using multi-omics data from an algal hot spring community in Yellowstone National Park, I aim to address two major questions regarding microbial evolution in extreme environments: First, how are the conflicting forces of genome streamlining and adaptation balanced in extreme habitats? Second, what are the consequences of biotic interactions on longer-term genome evolution in microbial and algal extremophiles?

Alexander Valvezan

Assistant Professor

RWJMS Dept of Pharmacology

Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine (CABM)


"Cell cycle control of cellular metabolism" 

In proliferating eukaryotic cells, metabolism must be coordinated with the cell cycle to meet phase-specific biosynthetic requirements, but how this coordination occurs is unknown. We discovered that the master metabolic regulator mTOR Complex 1 is controlled in a cell cycle phase-specific manner, with important functional consequences for cell growth and proliferation. Better understanding of how the cell cycle influences metabolism is fundamental to our knowledge of how cells grow and proliferate in health and disease.


The first Fall 2024 RUMP Work in Progress meeting will be held on September 17 from 4:00pm-5:00pm. We encourage you to attend and learn more about what microbiome research fellow faculty and trainees are working on in their labs!

As a reminder: RUMP WIP provides an opportunity for students, trainees, and junior faculty to present their research in a group setting and get feedback from their colleagues and mentors. RUMP WIP’s aim is to better connect microbiome researchers at Rutgers by sharing their work in progress, help people know who their colleagues and potential collaborators are, and give trainees/juniors a friendly venue to present their work.

We are seeking moderator(s) for this meeting to briefly introduce the presenters! If you are interested in being a moderator, please let me know at

Veenat Parmar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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